Saturday, May 22, 2010

Move on and get over it

Who am I to even say anything???

So the best that I can do for now is just shut up and keep it all bottled inside until it's my turn

I prefer it to be either one way or the other and NOT both....
Ultimately, I dislike doing that particular thing to ppl around me that I know plainly because I know how it feels and the feeling is not one to brag about. Daddy really dislike doing that to me (maybe because he knows I purely can't stand it?) which is why he always ask me whether I wanna follow him to wherever he is going.

I kinda wished I'm going back this coming July ... so that I'll stop myself from sleeping so much just to pass time ....

Mentally tell myself that "I'll be alright.... "
Suck it in and move on....

Although I've been shoo-ing someone away online on Msn pretty often, but seriously the annoyance was exactly what i needed. I need to express my frustration once in a while to avoid the volcano from erupting and there aren't exactly a lot of enthusiastic listeners around(from what I can see/ hear).
Oh... and a thoughtful sms just came through from a friend ... Thanks a lot for the support and encouragement! Couldn't help but burst into tears after receiving her sms ... Good to know someone is watching me quietly from the back
(my twitter updates played a huge part in this) ...

GAH! I need em' gals around to de-stress. I really did enjoy myself last Sunday with yummy brunch followed by dessert.... :)
Good company + Good food= pure awesome-ness!

Can't wait for exams to be over... Way too many invitations from my friends

Gold Coast... Sydney... Food trail... Birthday party... Sleepovers... Dessert date
Brunch date...

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