Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bits from Friday night......

Drank too much that night since I unintentionally declared war against the males and it was 8 vs. 6 and going to Singapore so did not help in that situation....

8 big bullies + Chivas + Coke = Not a good but fun night......

I could still walk but had the urge to puke thanks to someone's (u know who u are!) apparent understanding with the rest of his kind that made us females the target.

And yet again I do not understand how is lipstick the same as lipgloss? Grrrr.....

I will be landing in LCCT on the 12th of August so till then! :)

It's time for a new start with new people but the familiar ones will not be forgotten such as the little cutie below whom I bump into at Mid Valley the night before I left KL. She was happily showing off her injection to us. hahaha.
A new beginning............

There is another small room behind that door with a single bed.... :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The last ..........

On replay ..... ♥

A fresh start with settled feelings?
Hopefully the lingering feelings will die down with time.
I just hope I am being completely honest with myself on this and not in denial.

I could do with .....
A heart to heart talk with the best friends ....... let's talk until the wee hours of the morning if we have to for old times' sake..... or until I get the answers I seek.

Tomorrow will be my last day at PwC. A place where I made new colleagues/ bosses turned friends. Leaving was probably one of the hardest decision I had to make but I have no regrets.
I just wish I knew whether there was the possibility if I had not killed it right from the start by notifying one of my departure in Aug.
But we will never know the answers for sure until I am fairly certain I am not in denial and the rest of the world is not lying to me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Was hot and cold but warm now .... Just the way I like it. :)
I am not gonna be greedy.

Personal space is a given from Monday onwards but I shall not abuse it....
I will come back often as promised.

Daddy Sim's 60th b'day is coming soon....
Time to start planning !

Keep the options open for u will never know what future has in store for u
Get the colours right and u will find happiness.....
U are important to some.... more than u actually realize.
Just a matter of HOW important and WHY ?

I know who are the ones that are important in my life.... Do u?

And dear readers of mine, I am granting u permission to knock some sense into me IF (highly likely!) I ever end up whining about having to take the public transport everyday to work and also about my new lifestyle in the little island. This spoilt brat needs to learn how to grow up and stop whining just because she has blood red lines on her arms from carrying her uber heavy luggage while taking the public transport!

So feel free to kindly remind this pampered kid or nag me if u need to!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I just had to do what I do best~~~! Annoy the younger one :P

2 childish ones that never fail to drive Daddy Sim up the wall with our nonsense.
Whether it'd be tickling him until he can't take it no more or whacking him with a pillow or kidnapping his precious bolster to my room or just sitting on each other since we're two equally heavy buffaloes or hijacking each others' bed and messing it up or me quietly placing heavy dictionaries on the one who is doing push-ups.... hehehehe.


I'll miss u too~~~~! :P but i'll see u real soon....
Taken @ TDH in TTDI

Distance may not necessarily be an obstacle

but a test of true friendship.


Dad: "Soooo.... no appointment today?"

Me: "No."

Dad: "Don't have to work?"

Me: "Working from home."

Dad: "So how are u gonna get to the airport on Tuesday?"

and I went on to tell him my plan for the week.....

Dad: "Oh... Okie lor. But your brother might not be able to follow us to the airport."

Me: "Nvm la."

I don't think the cost of my plan crossed his mind but at least we're both happy :)

I proposed to transfer SGD600 next month onwards to him as my savings and he will execute the plan! Watch the shopaholic me do this! I might even have to come back less often :(

Gonna be broke every month! *sobs*

and also to cut down on the drinks (if possible once every fortnight and not every weekend?) :P

and start exercising more often (My colleague is gonna be my new Kiara hill "kaki"!)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let if flow for that's the best solution for now.
Not gonna push it for it will come running back if important.
The evidence was quite clear and the justification seemed somewhat vague which added to the distance.
I was then reassured that I'm on the right track- follow my instinct and I'll find my answer.
Had the answers but refuse to accept them as usual.
What I needed and what I seek were apparently worlds apart. And again this I had to be told.
Who was I to think that I am different? I am easily replaceable(maybe not to a fraction) :)

I wanna untangle this mess asap even if it means getting hurt in the process.

Friends come and go.... I did not lose many but gained plenty. Persistent most of the time but I also have my patience limit. I am gonna hang onto the ones that matter the most despite being separated by the sea and the return is currently scheduled once every fortnight. Date yet to be decided but booked for drinks both nights.

And it's here.... The emo friends & colleagues.... The hugs.... The "take care".... The "keep in touch".... The card.... The handshakes....

Someone finally understands the logic behind my decision. A 95% accuracy and a belief rather than an expectation that I will do well wherever I choose to go.

Perseverance and determination vs. the insecurity.

Let's work on the weaknesses and build on the strength
for I seek to be a better person in life.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finally came to a consensus with my boss....

A mutual agreement that will ensue in one years' time....

Sometimes I hate how much he can actually read my thoughts and personality as well as know exactly what I'm lacking


The faint-hearted is about to be played again.....


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The heart is currently having a tug-of-war

but I am gonna let myself be happy.

Just be true to yourself and the world will learn to accept you for who you are.

Stopped trying to be someone I am not


it's back to basic.

It's all about the fun side of me from here on :)

I have already accepted the loss and I have nothing more to lose....

Even if I do not gain something out of this, at least I made a new friend.

2nd half of this year:

Melaka with the girls, Singapore for work, Johor only because my colleague insist that I pay them a visit (LOL! he is gonna read this and I am gonna get into trouble), Krabi with the new colleagues come August, Sarawak with the family ...

Friday, July 8, 2011

As expected, it was not easy to actually open the emails with reply or pick up the calls

from all the ones I truly cherish

expressing their unwillingness to let me go....

Afraid that they might actually be capable of holding me back ...

Tears immediately started flowing.......

The memories..... The good times.... The arguments ..... The late nights.... The laughter.....

The inside jokes.... The unity.... The support... The teachings...

Last but not least,


I am about to leave behind a great and wise teacher, great friends who have my back all the time, an "older brother" who has been there



to throw myself out into a foreign place

where I am then force to act like a responsible adult, learn to grow up and stop relying on others, experience hardship so that I'll be more appreciative of the given, more likely to make mistakes or rather fail and learn it the hard way so as to become wiser.

Not entirely sure who is capable of blocking my path at the moment but I sense watchful eyes

and might I dare say some that will soon follow in my path?

Would you actually try and stop me from going because u know deep inside I am about to make a mistake? ;or

Would you actually follow me to be there to lend a hand when I fall? ;or

Would you rather quietly watch from afar and watch me pick myself up?

It would be great if perhaps in the near future, I see more familiar faces but please let that be a decision you make on your own.
Friends said I should not let go just yet :)

Told me to follow the heart.......

BR Ice cream outing with brother and ex-neighbours

MCD afterwards

Followed by house visiting ....

Tekken 6 time


I have a trip coming up next Saturday ! :) *excited*


Those who know the exact date,

you people know where and when to find me and how to contact me.... :)

Keep in touch always! XD

Thursday, July 7, 2011


From this...........................

to this.....And then this.....

New year eve countdown

The college days..............Teacher's day

The uni days................

and then this.....

Next destination would be...............

Traveled alone the past 2 days in the above mentioned place.
Fellow colleague asked:" Why travel alone?" to which I answered:"Erm... because the rest of the world has to work?" :)

It did do me some good. Maybe not so much on the physical and health sense but yes to the rest.

Had the time and ample space to reflect and clear this clouded head of mine. The time to think things through knowing that I can only be contacted via my S'pore no. on my mobile by the close ones and being in a foreign place where there would be fairly less familiar faces around.

The time to ponder ... whether it'd be while I was on the MRT or when I was wandering aimlessly in the shopping malls or when I was trying to find my way around the city with a map in my hand and luggage in the other or while I was having a cup of hot Mocha at Coffee Bean or during the bus ride with my iPod plugged in and eyes closed.

Figured it won't be an easy life for the next 3 years but a girl has to do what she has to do......... :)

At the end of the day, my decision is perceived by the rest to be some of the following:
a) Stupidly stubborn
b) Ambitious
c) Rational
d) Greedy
e) Money minded
f) Silly and Immature
g) Coward
h) Opportunist
i) Selfish
j) Reckless

Your verdict is..........?