Friday, May 28, 2010


9th June - chinese oral

10th June - Investments

11th June - Derivative Securities

15th June - EPM

22nd June - Chinese written paper


hahaha! and I think I just found a 心理相通 friend. Hahaha. Just when I thought my every other friends were being unresponsive, she msged me randomly... LOL.
(quoted exactly)
"Haha... No more classes...Yay!! But it means exams are nearer now :S
Dun stress~!!! Hahaha... but I'm quite :( "

Cuteness~~~~~ hahaha! It does help alleviate the stress a tad bit. And come to think of it, we were from the same high school but never really got to know each other until we're in uni. Anyhow, glad I got to know her better eventually.

3 more weeks till its' all over !
In the mean time, I am just gonna ignore the rest of the world.

Hence, an added activity to my holiday plans... :)

Plus, I'm reconsidering the trip to UK which I got all excited about before this. Reason shall remain undefined.
Let's just say it might not be all that worthwhile after all.