Sunday, July 24, 2011

I just had to do what I do best~~~! Annoy the younger one :P

2 childish ones that never fail to drive Daddy Sim up the wall with our nonsense.
Whether it'd be tickling him until he can't take it no more or whacking him with a pillow or kidnapping his precious bolster to my room or just sitting on each other since we're two equally heavy buffaloes or hijacking each others' bed and messing it up or me quietly placing heavy dictionaries on the one who is doing push-ups.... hehehehe.


I'll miss u too~~~~! :P but i'll see u real soon....
Taken @ TDH in TTDI

Distance may not necessarily be an obstacle

but a test of true friendship.


Dad: "Soooo.... no appointment today?"

Me: "No."

Dad: "Don't have to work?"

Me: "Working from home."

Dad: "So how are u gonna get to the airport on Tuesday?"

and I went on to tell him my plan for the week.....

Dad: "Oh... Okie lor. But your brother might not be able to follow us to the airport."

Me: "Nvm la."

I don't think the cost of my plan crossed his mind but at least we're both happy :)

I proposed to transfer SGD600 next month onwards to him as my savings and he will execute the plan! Watch the shopaholic me do this! I might even have to come back less often :(

Gonna be broke every month! *sobs*

and also to cut down on the drinks (if possible once every fortnight and not every weekend?) :P

and start exercising more often (My colleague is gonna be my new Kiara hill "kaki"!)

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