Sunday, October 3, 2010

4 and counting....

Part of me wants it to stop....
but the kiasu part of me gets all excited each time an email titled "Interview" pops up in her inbox....

Stop because I've reached my limit as being able to tolerate and handle the sudden overwhelming response and invites that comes with the added stress

But the kiasu part is going:" the more the merrier!!!It means u're in demand and highly sought after! " It kinda gives off a good vibe and feeling about yourself....

But watch me crumple to the ground when all of them turn their backs after the interview/ assessments.....

As of now:
1 on the 8th
2 on the 10th
1 on the 11th

Moving on to the lil food party that we had just ytd...
Couldn't really keep my piggy hands off them .....
Played heart attack using poker cards and the poor guy had to eat my infamous sambal .... hahahaha.
yilee feeding him.... ngek ngek ngek

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