Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am serious about saving up enough money for my trip to UK next year...

Since daddy Sim refuse to sponsor, FINE !!! I'll find my way eventually....
ReALLLLyyyyy wanna visit my close friends in London and where is that place ur going to again penguin? Tak berapa ingat lah ....

Indomee for 2 months?

Ish... frustration slowly building up and i really need to vent it out. The only effective method i can think of is to go for a run.

And while we're at it, let me just add the following picture, guess who is the "GREEN MONSTER"? hahaha. To be honest, I have no idea was what he up to as well? Catwalk perhaps?

The poor guy's head is about to be chewed off....
Sometimes I think that my brother is better off as a girl, possibly a lil make up and some wig and WALAH ! we'll get a pretty miss Sim... hahaha.

for the rest to follow, let me just add that I DID NOT bake them

Jap cheesecake made by roomie.

I only helped with the lining of the baking pan with baking paper and eggs.

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